

Thanks for dropping in.

Would you like a cup of tea or a cold beer?

Who am I? Good question.

Well I am a person living in New Zealand, I am over 40, male and have a learning problem.

My problem means I process things very slowly.

It can take me decades to understand something that "intelligent" people can pick up in seconds.

This does not bother me in the slightest. Everything seems to pan out in the end, so I just plod

on despite being left behind. I can trudge at a slow pace for a very long time.

What makes me tick?

Well, I like to get answers, I like to knit a picture of how things came to be, how they work etc...

I like to question things and best of all I like to think about things.

I do a lot of thinking just as I am about to fall asleep.

Why am I here, in the wikiverse?

Well, I wanted to understand how basic things worked,

found they were more complex than I first expected,

then discovered conflicting ways of explaining them.

I want to try to understand how simple things work, and then I want to

try to edit certain pages to reflect my new understanding of these things do work.

My chosen field is electronics. (at the moment...)

Why this? Because I find it very challenging, interesting and most of all,

the subject that has the most conflicting

and unintuitive ways of explaining how things work.

I want to rectify this.

A bit of a rant follows:

Call it and axe to grind if you will BUT, I ask you this:

How many people actually understand the stuff they know?

Really understand it. and can explain it.

The consistency of explanations is very important.

and wikipedia is about understanding, right?

So, I want to help people understand.

My struggle to learn the simple things has enlightened me on some aspects

of learning that I can share. and I intend to do just that.

My goal here is not accomplish as much as I can or impress anyone.

It is to try to untangle a few knots and try to clear a path through the maze.


I will probably make a bit of a hash of things to start with but I am ok with that.

You have to make mistakes when you are learning,

if you don't, you won't learn how to deal with mistakes!

(or even more probable, discover something...)

Thx1138samos3 (talk) 10:57, 10 January 2013 (UTC)