
Having had my eyes glued to all developments...

This unavoidable yet unprecedented quagmire of a Liberal Party identity crisis is better 8 years late than never. At least Labor's two terms of government's leadership battles was only personality-based and only had two Prime Ministers... the (Turnbull-)Abbott-Turnbull-Dutton/Morrison/Bishop/et al years will have brought us at least three Prime Ministers over two terms, and will have been based on the much more intractable issue of ideology, not just personality. Finally, finally, finally, installing Abbott in to the leadership in December 2009 is FINALLY coming home to roost. I'm still trying to reconcile wanting Turnbull to remain PM despite Dutton being electoral poison. As a Laborite, shouldn't I want the unelectable to lead the Liberals...? When will they learn that elections are won from the sensible centre? I hope they implode... they deserve it. And to witness the Simon Birmingham-led triumvirate ministry in Senate question time today (after the government only had the numbers to shut down the House of Reps and not the Senate)... simply incredible.

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