
/ /Wikipedia/ /
package Wikipedia;

use strict;
use warnings;

our $VERSION = '0.01';

use constant LANGUAGE		=> 'en';
use constant SERVER		=> '';

use constant LOGIN		=> '/w/api.php?action=login';
use constant LOGIN_POST		=> 'lgname=%s&lgpassword=%s';

use Wikipedia::Page;

use LWP::UserAgent		qw//;
use HTTP::Cookies		qw//;
use File::Temp			qw/ tempfile tempdir /;

=head1 NAME

Wikipedia - Provides a layer of abstraction for automatic editing of Wikipedia




	use Wikipedia;

	# These are optional. If left undefined, the client is not logged in.
	my ($username, $password) = ('My wikipedia user', 'My password');

	# The 'user_agent' is an optional L<LWP::UserAgent> object that will
	# serve as the user agent.
	my $user_agent = LWP::UserAgent->new(...);

	# The 'cookie_jar' parameter is an optional L<HTTP::Cookies> object and
	# is used if the 'user_agent' parameter is left undefined. Otherwise,
	# it is ignored.
	my $cookie_jar = HTTP::Cookies->new(...);

	# The 'cookie_file' parameter is an optional filename of where you want
	# to store your cookies. It is used if the 'cookie_jar' parameter is
	# left undefined. Otherwise it is ignored.
	my $cookie_file = 'my-cookies.txt';

	# In that case that both 'cookie_jar' and 'cookie_file' are undefined,
	# a temporary file will be created for cookies using L<File::Temp>.

	# The 'server' parameter is to specify the Wikipedia server base.  The
	# trailing slash is not required, but will not break the program.
	my $server = '';

	# The 'language' parameter specifies the language code of the Wikipedia
	# we will be editing. The default is shown here.
	my $language = 'en';

	# (this should be enough for most users)
	my $wiki = Wikipedia->new(
		'username'	=> $username,
		'password'	=> $password,

	# Save our cookies as well
	my $wiki = Wikipedia->new(
		'username'	=> $username,
		'password'	=> $password,
		'cookie_file'	=> $cookie_file,

	# Edit Wikipedia in Esperanto
	my $wiki = Wikipedia->new(
		'username'	=> $username,
		'password'	=> $password,
		'language'	=> 'eo',



sub new {
	my $class = shift;

	my %opts = @_;

	my ($username, $password, $user_agent, $server) =
		@opts{qw/ username password user_agent server /};

	unless (defined $user_agent) {
		# no user agent defined; let's create our own
		my $cookie_jar = $opts{'cookie_jar'};

		unless (defined $cookie_jar) {
			# no cookie jar; create one
			my $cookie_file = $opts{'cookie_file'};

			unless (defined $cookie_file) {
				# no cookie file; make a temporary file
				$cookie_file = (&tempfile(
					'DIR' => &tempdir('CLEANUP' => 1),

			# create the cookie jar
			$cookie_jar = HTTP::Cookies->new(
				'file'		=> $cookie_file,
				'autosave'	=> 1,

		# create the user agent
		$user_agent = LWP::UserAgent->new(
			'cookie_jar'	=> $cookie_jar,

	unless (defined $server) {
		# no server name defined
		my $language = $opts{'language'};

		$language = LANGUAGE unless defined $language;

		$server = sprintf SERVER, $language;

	# log in with given information
	if (defined $user_agent && defined $username && defined $password) {
		&_login($user_agent, $username, $password, $server);

	bless {
		'username'	=> $username,
		'password'	=> $password,
		'user_agent'	=> $user_agent,
		'server'	=> $server,
	}, $class

=head2 get_page

Creates a new L<Wikipedia::Page> object to edit the given page name.

	my $page = $wiki->get_page('Main page');
	my $wiki_source = $page->contents;

sub get_page {
	my $self = shift;
	my $pagename = shift;

		'pagename'	=> $pagename,
		'user_agent'	=> $self->{'user_agent'},
		'server'	=> $self->{'server'},


sub _login {
	my ($user_agent, $username, $password, $server) = @_;

	# post login to login page (should save authentication in cookie jar)
	my $login_response = $user_agent->post(
		'Content' => sprintf LOGIN_POST, $username, $password);

	die "encountered a transmission error logging in"
		unless $login_response->is_success;
	# TODO: check to see if the bot ACTUALLY logged in

=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 AUTHOR

	Part of project Tweakbot by Dan Church <[email protected]>
