
Countries I have been to:

  • Peru
  • United States
  • Spain
  • France
  • Australia
  • Egypt
  • Russia
  • Germany

Peruvian departments I have been to:

  • Lima
  • Ica
  • Ancash
  • La Libertad
  • Lambayeque
  • Piura
  • Tumbes
  • Loreto
  • Tacna

Countries I have come ten miles or less away from:

  • Ecuador
  • Mexico

Current Peru Collaboration Effort
The current collaboration is:

Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, was the President of Peru and the leader of the Peruanos For el Kambio faction. Being a product of the United States in terms of education and work, Kuczynski ran unsuccessfully in 2011 for the presidency, but later vectored in the 2016 general election in Peru over Keiko Fujimori, daughter of the political patriarch of Fujimorism, Alberto Fujimori. Kuczynski's term began in 2016 and ended in March of 2018 with a corruption scandal that involved Brazilian infrastructure company Odebrecht. He promptly resigned and his Vice president Martin Vizcarra would succeeded him to be the President of Peru.

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user: vivaperucarajo/VPC's Sandbox