Emma Albani
Alright, needs work on later career
Joseph Allard
Short, but limited resources online
Auguste Aramini
Remains lousy, limited resources online
Marie-Anne Asselin
- couple pagagraphs on VG
Pierre-Aurèle Asselin
- longish single page of VG
Jack Ayre
- two paragraphs on VG
Georges Beauchemin
- couple paragraphs on VG
Juliette Béliveau
- Longish page on VG
Roméo Beaudry
- Long page on VG
Joseph Fournier de Belleval
- halfdozen paragraphs on VG
Mary Bolduc
- seven pages on VG
Rosario Bourdon
- longish page on VG
Henry Burr
- longish page on VG
Craig Campbell (tenor)
- longish page on VG
Henri Cartal
- paragraph on VG
Choir of the Abbey of Saint-Benoît-du-Lac
- several paragraphs on
Oscar O'Brien
André Laberge
André Saint-Cyr
Georges Mercure
on VG
Herbert L. Clarke
- longish page on VG
Eugène Daignault
- three paragraphs on VG
José Delaquerrière
- just photos on VG
Alexandre Desmarteaux
- a few paragraphs on VG
Pauline Donalda
- 4 pages on VG
Blance DuBuisson
- couple paragraphs on VG
Damase DuBuisson
- longish page on VG
Tommy Duchesne
- couple paragraphgs on VG
Joseph Dumais
- couple paragraphs on VG
The Dumbells
- like eight pages on VG
Florence Easton
- just photos on VG
Willie Eckstein
- long page on VG
Hubert Eisdell
- four pages on VG
Sarah Fischer
- four pages on VG
Howard Fogg
- couple paragraphs on VG
Conrad Gauthier
- Just photos on VG
Éva Gauthier
- five pages on VG
J. Hervey Germain
- couple paragraphs on VG
Elzéar Hamel
- couple paragraphs on VG
Ross Hamilton
- couple paragraphs on VG
René Harmant
- paragraph on VG
Johana Harris
- four pages on VG
Paul Hébert
- paragraph on VG
May Irwin
- longish page on VG
Harold Jarvis
- couple paragraphs on VG
Edward Johnson
- just photos on VG
- paragraph on VG
Henri Lacroix
- longish page on VG
J. O. LaMadeleine
- just photos on VG
Forrest Lamont
- couple paragraphs on VG
Orphée Langevin
- paragraph on VG
Arthur Lapierre
- couple paragraphs on VG
Hercule Lavoie
- longish page on VG
Édouard LeBel
- coupe paragraphs on VG
Ovila Légaré
- just photos on VG
Christie MacDonald
- longish page on VG
Harry Macdonough
- couple paragraphs on VG
George MacFarlane
- long page on VG
Albert Marier
- few paragraphs on VG
Herni Miro
- long page on VG
Alfred Montmarquette
- couple paragraphs on VG
Edmond Moreau
- paragraph on VG
Placide Morency
- couple paragraphs on VG
Billy Munro
- couple paragraphs on VG
Red Newman
- couple paragraphgs on VG
Alfred Nohcor
- few paragraphs on VG
Victor Occellier
- paragraph on VG
Geoffrey O'Hara
- long page on VG
Rose Ouellette
- few paragraphs on VG
Lionel Parent
- few paragraphs on VG
Kathleen Parlow
- four pages on VG
Hector Pellerin
- couple paragraphs on VG
Al Plunkett
- couple paragraphs on VG
Mert Plunkett
- couple paragraphs on VG
Robert Price
- short paragraph on VG
Quator Alouette
- couple paragrtaphs on VG
Quatuor Octave-Pelletier
- couple paragraphs on VG
Gitz Rice
- longish page on VG
Joseph Saucier
- couple paragraphs on VG
Isidore Soucy
- just photos om VG
Joseph-Henri Thibodeau
- couple parages on VG
Andy Tipaldi
- couple paragraphs on VG
Fannie Tremblay
- few parapgrahs on GV
Cora Tracey
- couple paragraphs on VG
Albert Viau
- longish page on VG