User talk:Jerzy/Phase 03

All New: 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Orphaned: 500 1001 1501 - - (Generated from 05:21, 1 February 2009 (UTC) revision of user-Jerzy-talk generating template User:Jerzy/Fresh Talk Page, based on 3 January 2009 revision of User talk:Jerzy; later retrofitted with dynamic transclusion of User:Jerzy/Past Archive Phases.)

Rough Overview of this Page

  1. Welcome to the Page for "Talking" to Jerzy (Talk-Page Front-Matter)
    1. About Communicating Here
    2. Note to Non-Native Speakers of English
    3. Links to my Discussion (User-talk page) Archives
    4. Detailed Table of Contents of whole page
  2. Messages to Jerzy and Dialogues with Him