Please note: Most of my replies will be written on this talk page, rather than on your talk page.
Also note: It is my policy not to delete or remove dialog from this page. Everything (except some spam) will be saved and archived. Please don't later remove from here what you've written. So think first before you hit Save page.
If I do not reply to you immediately, it is not because I am ignoring you; I might be in the middle of a project on or offline :)
If and when we disagree, it is never personal. I respect you.
If you're thinking about retiring, *please* talk to me first either here, IRC or email, so I can dissuade you and help solve what's needling you.
Lastly, a note to banned users who stop by: Stop editing immediately, serve your sentence, and then come back and play nice. I will gladly welcome you back and collaborate with you - once you've served your time properly, and as long as you act accordingly.