User talk:Laaknor

Soft redirect to:no:Brukerdiskusjon:Laaknor
This page is a soft redirect.

Yes, that is right. I have vandalized from time to another just too much and too long, and has not really undertsanded how stupid it was before now, when iread on admins user discussion, and someone a (a lot older than me) explained me that I have really been stupid, and therefore the only thing i could do was to ask the first admin i saw at en wiki to post this explaination and apologize to him. I am not going to write dumb things at wikipedia anymore, because it is stupid to do it, and can get me trouble with accessing internett. -- (talk) 20:02, 13 July 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Noen ganger tar det bare for lang tid å innse at man gjør noe dumt, jeg innså det ifjor, men glemte det desverre igjen, men nå er det virkelig slutt. Både fordi jeg har fått forklart og oppfattet at det er veldig dumt, og fordi jeg ikke vil risikere restriksjoner mhp internett- alle er avhengig av det idag. -- (talk) 20:02, 13 July 2008 (UTC)[reply]