User talk:Medeis

This talk page belongs to μηδείς
Λάθε βιῶσας

Human nature is unchanging and remains irrational. Evil is eternal.
Unfortunately, appeasement is often seen by thugs not as magnanimity to be reciprocated but as timidity to be exploited

--Victor Davis Hanson "A Hard Rain is Going to Fall".

I don't tend to assign true/false values to random statements people make, absent any evidence either way.
It's a strange thing to assume that every possible combination of syllables a person utters should be accepted as true without any evidence one way or the other.
--Jayron32 16:49, 4 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Which moment in history you pick as the "dividing line" is unimportant. You make your own decisions (and it is really relevant what criteria you use), instead try to appreciate the breadth and complexity of the situation. Singular and exclusive definitions are far less important than understanding relationships and processes.' Jayron32 5:31 pm, 2 May 2017, last Tuesday (3 days ago) (UTC−4)

That nature exists, it would be absurd to try to prove; for it is obvious that there are many things of this kind, and to prove what is obvious by what is not is the mark of a man who is unable to distinguish what is self-evident from what is not. (This state of mind is clearly possible. A man blind from birth might reason about colours.) Presumably, therefore, such persons must be talking about words without any thought to correspond.
--Aristotle's Physics Book 2, chapter 1

Nothing is so remote from us as the thing which is not old enough to be history and not new enough to be news.
--G. K. Chesterton, The End of the Armistice

I would also clarify that there is a small minority of educated English speakers, mostly linguists, who do not think that "unnatural" rules of correctness should be imposed on a language, and some of these people have commented above. However, this is a very small minority, and if you want to appear to be correct when communicating with English speakers who are not linguists, you should ignore the linguists.
--User:Marco polo, 27 March 2013 (UTC)

One Englishman is a story. Ten Frenchmen is a story. One hundred Germans is a story. One thousand Indians is a story. Nothing ever happens in Chile.
Hold the Press1--John Maxwell Hamilton

The business of life is the acquisition of memories. In the end, that is all there is.
--Carson, Downton Abbey

The only thing new in the world is the history you don't know.
--Harry S. Truman

There is no dispute between me and Richard Dawkins and there never has been, because he’s a journalist, and journalists are people that report what the scientists have found and the arguments I’ve had have actually been with scientists doing research.
--E. O. Wilson quoted in Science 2.0

What do you want liberation from? What is there to be proud of? I don't believe in rights for homosexuals.
--Quentin Crisp

One does not hate that which one honestly regards as ineffectual.
--Ayn Rand "Apollo 11"


It doesn't matter what you call stuff. It's still stuff.

--User:JackofOz 22:05, 19 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]