User talk:Physchim62

Physchim62 flys the Skull and Crossmops as a former administrator: "I know where the lines are, because I've already crossed them!"
No responguis a l'insensat segons la seva ximpleria, perquè no et tornis com ell, també tu.
Respon a l'insensat segons la seva ximpleria, perquè no es pensi ser savi.
Proverbi 26, 4–5

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This editor is a Labutnum of the Encyclopedia and is entitled to display this Book of Knowledge with Coffee Cup Stain, Cigarette Burn, Chewed Broken Pencil, Sticky Note, Bookmark, and Note from Jimbo.
The large wet haddock, which keeps an eye on Physchim62.
The practical realisation of the above