User talk:Rlandmann/archive2

  • In the near term the beta table was just to get to a single standard without contantly changing the main table- though this is probably not going to work. The dream of single standardized table for all the aircraft pages is good one, though as you point out the issue is not the quality of our current table but quantity of its distribution.
  • If we had such a system you describe there with the CSS- it would also eliminate the need for stepping releases. The idea with versions for current tables is to use the newer one and update the older tables that are out later( peraps for when a wiki update system will do it). As its very hard to catch up when you start at the begining and the steps would make it easier to tell whats an older version.
  • You speak of making compromises for a common standard- if you could craft your version of a 'table without compromises' I would very much like to see this.(considering the quality of your work I dont think I would be dissapointed)
  • Names of footer categories-orginally some names seemed better but I think at this point names need to be generated largeley on a case by case basis that best fits the aircraft. There is great value to be had from standardization and its often worth the price paid for it- but not always. I do not like it when something begins to serves itself, rather then its orginal goal. I think that goes for the table as well as the footer designations (among other things).
  • If you think 'related aircraft' is a better choice by all means use it. I only pushed 'rel dev' because it seemed better for some--but I would never want it to be used when that was not the case.
  • I am concerned if I should work on your benchmark list as if these were planes you had wanted work on I am sorry. I had been putting in stubs solely with the idea of finishing it, not to some how encroach on aircraft you were intested in wrting
  • Do you know how to find pictures for use without having to ask, for the wikipedia. I have found many pictures but have not used them, even if credit would be given, beacue of concerns over ownership issues. (nevermind most were probably ripped from other sources in the first place....). Is it enough just to give credit for some pictures or use outright ones that seem cleary be in public domain?
  • Some tension over things seems to come from miscommuntication. I know I haven't read all your comments as carfully as I should have, as is so often the case with these things.
  • I have many ideas for tables and such and many airplanes goals though I will try to scale back so there is not so much friction. The (perhaps) vauge counter-editing has certainly resulted in genunie improvements though there's no need for energy to go into this given such similair goals an ideals for the wiki. I hope this is offer some relief to the situation.
  • I will continue work on tables ideas- as I hate to not attempt some sort of advancement of the thing (not that you dont) as the small changes people have made seems to of brought it along so well up to now.
  • Well I'v managed to write a novel here, so till next time! Greyengine5 04:47, 3 Mar 2004 (UTC)

Ah, thanks for clearing that up. I'd never really understood the US Navy way of doing things, and now I see why -- it was crazy.

So that makes the PV-1 and PV-2 the same aircraft as far as the USN was concerned, just two different versions of it, even though they got named differently.

I'm still a bit confused about the footer. 'Designation series' is obvious, as is 'Similar aircraft' (roughly simultaneous aircraft in about the same role).

What I'm not sure about is the whole 'Related Development' etc. How do I show what-replaced-what? Or is this not the place to convey the whole 'Neptune was replaced by Orion' concept? Thanks, —Morven 03:51, 2 Mar 2004 (UTC)

I see what you mean about the tables. I hadn't noticed it because it doesn't happen with a maximised browser window at 1280*1024. I've reproduced it on my machine with IE6, and more importantly, I've reproduced it using Mozilla 1.6. I say it's more important that Mozilla 1.6 does it because Mozilla is much more standards compliant than IE6. I'm not sure what's going on here, but I'd say it's something we need to pin down asap. David Newton 18:10, 12 Mar 2004 (UTC)

That table is now behaving the same as the MediaWiki messages do. I do think it's better that way, even if it does make people scroll down a bit. David Newton 10:37, 13 Mar 2004 (UTC)