User talk:Silence

This is the Talk page of zeppelin manufacturer and 'big steel' tycoon User:Silence. Feel free to leave a comment.
  • Archive I: July 2004 to September 2005. Nothing important happened in this one.
  • Archive II: October 2005. Nothing important happened in this one.
  • Archive III: November 2005. Nothing important happened in this one.
  • Archive IIII: December 2005. Nothing important happened in this one.
  • Archive V: January 2006. Nothing important happened in this one.
  • Archive VI: February 2006. Nothing important happened in this one.
  • Archive VII: March 2006. Nothing important happened in this one.
  • Archive VIII: April 2006. Nothing important happened in this one.
  • Archive VIIII: May 2006 to December 2006. Nothing important happened in this one.
  • Archive VV: January 2007. Nothing important happened in this one.
  • Archive VVIIIIV: February 2007 to July 2007. Nothing important happened in this one.
  • Archive IIIVXXXLCCCCDM: August 2007 to August 2009. In this one I edited Łobżany.
  • Archive IIXV: September 2010 to September 2015. Nothing important happened in this one.

Quelle chimère est-ce donc que l’homme?
Quelle nouveauté, quel monstre, quel chaos, quel sujet de contradiction, quel prodige!
Juge de toutes choses, imbécile de ver de terre, dépositaire du vrai, cloaque d'incertitude et d'erreur, gloire et rebut de l'univers.

―Blaise Pascal

Quelle vanité que la peinture qui attire l'admiration par la ressemblance des choses dont on n'admire point les originaux.

―Blaise Pascal

S'il se vante, je l'abaisse ;
s'il s'abaisse, je le vante,
et le contredits toujours,
jusqu'à ce qu'il comprenne,
qu'il est un monstre incompréhensible.

―Blaise Pascal