Via Casilina

The Via Casilina is a medieval road in Latium and Campania. It led from Rome to Casilinum (present-day Capua), to present-day Santa Maria Capua Vetere.[1]

It was created from the fusion of two ancient Roman roads, the Via Latina and the Via Labicana. The Via Labicana led from Rome to Labicum, while the Via Latina ended at Capua.

In the Middle Ages, Capua was depopulated and the main settlement shifted to Casilinum, formerly a mere fluvial port. This is also the location of the modern town of Capua. As a consequence, the union of the Via Latina and of the Via Labicana took on the new namesake of Via Casilina. This usage also survives for the modern road, while Via Latina is not used anymore.

  1. ^ "Via Casilina". (in Italian). 29 June 2020. Retrieved 21 February 2024.