Vietnamese studies

The location of Vietnam

Vietnamese studies (Vietnamese: Việt Nam học), or Vietnamology,[1] in general is the study of Vietnam and things related to Vietnam. It refers, especially, to the study of modern Vietnamese and literature, history, ethnology, and the philological approach, respectively.

The specialist in this area is called a Vietnamist.

  1. ^ Phan Huy Lê, Prof., Department of History, College of Social Sciences & Humanities, VNU. (15 September 2004). "Vietnamology on the path of development international exchange, and cooperation". Vietnam National University Journal of Science. Retrieved 19 June 2023. Vietnamology (Vietnamologie) or Vietnamese Studies is a scientific discipline specialized in studying Vietnam in such fields as history, geography, language, literature, culture, economics, politics, and ecological environment or in the fields of interdisciplinary studies.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)