Visual processing

Visual processing is a term that refers to the brain's ability to use and interpret visual information from the world. The process of converting light energy into a meaningful image is a complex process that is facilitated by numerous brain structures and higher level cognitive processes.

On an anatomical level, light energy first enters the eye through the cornea, where the light is bent. After passing through the cornea, light passes through the pupil and then the lens of the eye, where it is bent to a greater degree and focused upon the retina. The retina is where a group of light-sensing cells called photoreceptors are located. There are two types of photoreceptors: rods and cones. Rods are sensitive to dim light, and cones are better able to transduce bright light. Photoreceptors connect to bipolar cells, which induce action potentials in retinal ganglion cells. These retinal ganglion cells form a bundle at the optic disc, which is a part of the optic nerve.

The two optic nerves from each eye meet at the optic chiasm, where nerve fibers from each nasal retina cross. This results in the right half of each eye's visual field being represented in the left hemisphere and the left half of each eye's visual fields being represented in the right hemisphere. The optic tract then diverges into two visual pathways, the geniculostriate pathway and the tectopulvinar pathway, which send visual information to the visual cortex of the occipital lobe for higher level processing (Whishaw and Kolb, 2015).