Von der Osten family

Coat of arms of the House von der Osten

The von der Osten family [ ˈoːstən ] is an ancient and distinguished aristocratic family from Pomerania that has been established in Pomerania since 1248, originally from Stift Bremen. The family's ancestral home is in Lower Saxony, near the Oste River. The family acquired numerous properties in Western and Eastern Pomerania, becoming one of the largest landowners in Pomerania.[1] In 1854, the von der Ostens were one of the first ten families to hold the hereditary right of presentation to the Prussian House of Lords.[2]

Von der Osten-Sacken [ ˈoːstən ] is the name of a German-Baltic noble family that has been settled in the Baltic region since the 13th century. Arnoldus dictus Lyndale was enfeoffed with Sacken by Bishop Otto of Courland in 1386 and appeared as Arnoldus de Sacken in 1395. Sander von Sacken, known as von der Oest, first appeared with the combined name in 1544, which later became Osten-Sacken and led to the unification of the coats of arms with the von der Ostens, although no evidence of a common ancestry between the two families has been found. The Osten-Sackens produced numerous officers and diplomats of the Russian tsarist empire. In 1762, one branch was granted the title of Imperial Count, and in 1786, the title of Prussian Prince. In 1821, another branch was granted the title of Russian Count and in 1832, the title of Prince.

  1. ^ Francis L. Carsten: “Der Preußische Adel Und seine Stellung in Staat Und Gesellschaft bis 1945.” Geschichte und Gesellschaft. Sonderheft. Europäischer Adel 1750–1950. 13, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 1990, S. 25–112.
  2. ^ Hartwin Spenkuch: . Droste, Düsseldorf 1998, ISBN 978-3-7700-5203-5, S. 174.