
Sine, square, triangle, and sawtooth waveforms.
A sine, square, and sawtooth wave at 440 Hz
A composite waveform that is shaped like a teardrop.
A waveform generated by a synthesizer

In electronics, acoustics, and related fields, the waveform of a signal is the shape of its graph as a function of time, independent of its time and magnitude scales and of any displacement in time.[1][2] Periodic waveforms repeat regularly at a constant period. The term can also be used for non-periodic or aperiodic signals, like chirps and pulses.[3]

In electronics, the term is usually applied to time-varying voltages, currents, or electromagnetic fields. In acoustics, it is usually applied to steady periodic sounds — variations of pressure in air or other media. In these cases, the waveform is an attribute that is independent of the frequency, amplitude, or phase shift of the signal.

The waveform of an electrical signal can be visualized in an oscilloscope or any other device that can capture and plot its value at various times, with suitable scales in the time and value axes. The electrocardiograph is a medical device to record the waveform of the electric signals that are associated with the beating of the heart; that waveform has important diagnostic value. Waveform generators, that can output a periodic voltage or current with one of several waveforms, are a common tool in electronics laboratories and workshops.

The waveform of a steady periodic sound affects its timbre. Synthesizers and modern keyboards can generate sounds with many complicated waveforms.[1]

  1. ^ a b "Waveform Definition". techterms.com. Retrieved 2015-12-09.
  2. ^ David Crecraft, David Gorham, Electronics, 2nd ed., ISBN 0748770364, CRC Press, 2002, p. 62
  3. ^ "IEC 60050 — Details for IEV number 103-10-02: "waveform"". International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (in Japanese). Retrieved 2023-10-18.