
This page explains a previously used footnote system, which is totally superseded by the newer footnoting system. Currently, the {{ref}} and {{note}} templates should only be used in specific circumstances, not for general purpose referencing.[1]

The pairs of templates discussed in this guideline are:[2]

Link in text area Link in References area
{{ref|<name>}} #{{note|<name>}} - followed by comment or citation
{{ref label|<name>|<footnote number>|<backlink label>}} {{note label|<name>|<footnote number>|<backlink label>}} (follows on the same line as an existing {{note}}, before the formal citation info)

Not all references are made using footnotes : Please see Wikipedia:Citing sources for guidance on references and alternative markup.

Also, not all footnotes are citations of information sources. They are also used for clarification or other notes about material. Common uses include explaining the meaning of a table header, or an exception regarding a specific entry in a table, etc.