Wikipedia:High-functioning autism and Asperger's editors

A group of students and their family members carrying a sign saying "Different Not Less: We Are United" with different coloured puzzle pieces on the sign
Students and families walk to support Autism Awareness Month.

Wikipedia is the ultimate honeypot! If a group of researchers had been given the task of creating a working/hobby environment specifically designed to attract autistic people, they could not have come up with anything better than Wikipedia!

As with many things, when it comes to real-world applications, autism spectrum disorder is probably best not thought of as a "disorder" or "disability", as it is really just differences in thought-processing methods. Adding the label of disorder or disability changes the way we think about things; it shifts us into the paradigm of deficiency, whereas in real terms it can be just "uncommon" or "unusual", in the same way that some hair colours, some eye colours, etc. are "uncommon" or "unusual".