Wikipedia:Tip of the day/April 4

Where to upload images and media files

Wikipedia encyclopedia articles may be improved by including images as well as sound and video clip media files. It is important to understand where to upload these files.

  • Images and other media files must be uploaded either to Wikipedia or to Wikimedia Commons before they can be used.
  • If you do not already have a Wikipedia account, you must create one to upload images. The account will work across all twelve Wikipedia sister projects such as the Commons.
  • Wikipedia prefers free images that can be reused commercially and modified.
  • Non-free images may be used, but only in certain circumstances and if a free equivalent is not possible.
  • Wikimedia Commons only accepts free images, which can then be used by any of the other Wikimedia projects.

There is a how-to guide available at Wikipedia:Creation and usage of media files and a picture tutorial that explains how to add images to an article.