Head over Heels is an American television sitcom created by Jeff Franklin that aired on the United Paramount Network from August 26 to October 28, 1997. The series is set in a video dating agency based in Miami Beach, Florida, and run by brothers Jack (played by Peter Dobson) and Warren Baldwin (Mitchell Whitfield). Their employees are Valentina (Cindy Ambuehl) and two romance counselors, Carmen (Eva LaRue) and Ian (Patrick Bristow, pictured). Connie Stevens was initially cast, but never appeared in the show. Andrew Gottlieb was a co-producer, and Vince Cheung and Ben Montanio were consulting producers. The sitcom was the lowest-performing series tracked by Nielsen Holdings for the 1997–1998 television season. Head over Heels was one of 30 U.S. programs that season to feature a gay, lesbian, or bisexual character; Ian was bisexual. Critics faulted the show's characters, sex comedy, and lack of diversity. (Full article...)