Wikipedia:WikiProject Lists of topics

This page was superseded by Wikipedia:WikiProject Indexes and Wikipedia:WikiProject Outlines

Welcome to the Topic lists WikiProject.

This project deals with list article names with either of the words "topics" or "articles" in the title (e.g., List of Albania-related articles, List of economics topics, etc.).

These lists fall into two types: alphabetical indexes of articles and hierarchically structured lists (outlines).

The structured lists fall within the scope of the Wikipedia:WikiProject Outline of Knowledge, who are in the process of integrating those lists (where appropriate) into the all-encompassing outline they are working on. Articles that are entirely structured topic lists should be named Outline of x. Where x is the subject.

Alphabetical indexes are dealt with by the Wikipedia:WikiProject Indexes, and should be named Index of x articles or Index of x-related articles. Where x is the subject.