Wikipedia:WikiProject Louisville/Requests

  • 1.3% List-Class
  • 33.4% Stub-Class
  • 47.9% Start-Class
  • 11.5% C-Class
  • 4.7% B-Class
  • 1% GA-Class
  • 0.2% FA-Class

This is the WikiProject Louisville Requested Articles department. On this page are potential articles (or subjects for articles) that WikiProject Louisville participants and Louisville enthusiasts (like you!?) have requested be created for the Wikipedia.

Feel free to add to this list. Place your entry under the category that best fits the subject. If you're unsure of the category, please feel free to ask about it in our project talk.

If you can't think of the best name for an article, that's perfectly all right. You can add it as a subject without wikilink brackets ([[ and ]]) — someone else will likely come along and convert it into a usable article title.

If what you're adding is an obscure subject, please add a description and/or link to your entry, although this isn't absolutely necessary. We ordinarily need to confirm the existence and possible notability of these subjects, so any information provided helps with this effort.

Alternatively, if you know of a notable subject for an article that isn't listed here and want to create the article right away, you're more than welcome to proceed.