Wo (kana)

japanese hiragana wo
japanese katakana wo
hiragana origin
katakana origin
Man'yōgana乎 呼 遠 鳥 怨 越 少 小 尾 麻 男 緒 雄
spelling kana尾張のヲ (W)owari no "(w)o"
unicodeU+3092, U+30F2

, in hiragana, or in katakana, is one of the Japanese kana, each of which represents one mora. Historically, both are phonemically /wo/, reflected in the Nihon-shiki wo, although the contemporary pronunciation is [o] , reflected in the Hepburn romanization and Kunrei-shiki romanization[1] o. Thus it is pronounced identically to the kana o. Despite this phonemic merger, the kana wo is sometimes regarded as a distinct phoneme from /o/, represented as /wo/, to account for historical pronunciation and for orthographic purposes.

  1. ^ "文化庁 | 国語施策・日本語教育 | 国語施策情報 | 内閣告示・内閣訓令 | ローマ字のつづり方 | 第1表・第2表".