Yes, and...

"Yes, and ...", also referred to as "Yes, and ..." thinking, is a rule-of-thumb in improvisational comedy that suggests that an improviser should accept what another improviser has stated ("yes") and then expand on that line of thinking ("and").[1][2][3] The principle does not forbid disagreements between the improvisers' characters, but states that one should not reject the basic premises introduced by the other person, as this would throw them off and harm the flow of the scene.[1]

The principle is also used in business and other organizations for improving the effectiveness of the brainstorming process, fosters effective communication, and encourages the free sharing of ideas.[4]

The "Yes, and ..." rule is complemented by the "No, but ..." technique, which serves to refine and challenge ideas in a constructive manner.

Despite the popularity in recent years of "Yes, and ..." as a sort of slogan among many practitioners, there is hardly universal consensus regarding its authenticity and value. Gary Schwartz argues that it runs counter to the most basic tenets of improvisation. Schwartz states that he never heard Viola Spolin propose anything similar and that in fact she would have been categorically opposed to it. He argues that the slogan "misses the point of total relation needed in improvised theater." To Schwartz, it substantially interferes with the natural flow experience of the group and generally reduces the project of improvisation to "information sharing" and rapid-fire entertainment, led by the wittiest performers, resulting in "uninspired, 'talky' and not very theatrical" work. According to Schwartz, Spolin's formula contrasts completely with the intellectualization and urgent planning involved under "Yes, and ...": "by sharing a deep non-intellectual connection where mind and body work harmoniously as in play, spontaneity and true improvisation appears." He advises replacing "Yes, and ..." with a more elemental mantra frequently used by Spolin: "Follow the follower!"[5]

  1. ^ a b NathanMinns (2022-10-30). "What does "Yes, And..." In Improv Really Mean?". Green Light Improv. Retrieved 2022-10-30.
  2. ^ "Rules of comedy improv and acting". Pan Theater. Retrieved 2014-02-05.
  3. ^ "What I Learned From the First Rule of Improv - Yes, And". Retrieved 2014-02-05.
  4. ^ Kulhan, Bob (2013-04-10). "Why 'Yes, and...' Might Be the Most Valuable Phrase in Business". Big Think. Retrieved 2016-11-11.
  5. ^ Schwartz, Gary (8 September 2012). "The Trouble With "Yes, And…"". Viola Spolin. Retrieved 4 July 2024.