Yoetzet halacha

A yoetzet halacha (Hebrew: יועצת הלכה, plural: yoatzot; lit. Advisor in Jewish law), a controversial, recently created position, describing a Jewish woman certified to serve as an advisor to individuals with questions regarding Jewish practices relating to menstruation (known as taharat hamishpacha or "family purity", also referred to as the laws of niddah), associated with the Open Orthodox movement.[1][2]

  1. ^ Cohen, I. (2020). Menstruation and Religion: Developing a Critical Menstrual Studies Approach. The Palgrave Handbook of Critical Menstruation Studies, 115-129.
  2. ^ Raucher, M. (2015). Yoatzot Halacha. Digital Judaism: Jewish Negotiations with Digital Media and Culture, 57.