Young People's Christian Union

Young People's Christian Union
blue and white pin with big capital letter C and U with a banner of YPCU
Pin and colors for the Young People's Christian Union of the Universalist Church of America

The Young People's Christian Union (Y.P.C.U.), organized in 1889, was a Universalist youth group created to develop the spiritual life of young people and advance the work of the Universalist church. Soon after it was founded, the Y.P.C.U. focused its attention on missionary work. It was instrumental in the founding of new southern churches and the creation of a Post Office Mission for the distribution of religious literature.

Initially organized as an auxiliary to the Universalist General Convention, the Y.P.C.U. developed an independent identity. It held its own yearly conventions, published a magazine (Onward), implemented funding mechanisms and elected officers.

In 1941, the Young People's Christian Union was re-organized as the Universalist Youth Fellowship. In 1953, the Universalists and Unitarian youth organizations merged to form the Liberal Religious Youth (LRY). After the merger in 1961 of the American Unitarian Association and the Universalist Church of America, LRY was re-organized as the Young Religious Unitarian Universalists (YRUU).