Elon Musk

Elon Musk
Elon Reeve Musk

28-iyun 1971-yil (1971-06-28) (53 yosh)
Fuqaroligi Janubiy Afrika bayrogʻi Janubiy Afrika Respublikasi
Kanada bayrogʻi Kanada
AQSH bayrogʻi AQSh
Kasbi Tadbirkor, muhandis, ixtirochi, investor
Bolalari 6[1]
Otasi Errol Musk
Onasi Maye Musk

Elon Reeve Musk (talaffuzi: Ilon Riv Mask; 1971-yil 28-iyunda tugʻilgan) amerikalik investor,[2][3] muhandis[4] va ixtirochidir[5][6][7][8]. U SpaceX asoschisi, bosh direktori va bosh muhandisi, Tesla Inc. va Neuralink asoschisi va bosh direktori, SolarCity hamasoschisi va raisi, OpenAI hamraisi, Confinity bilan birlashib PayPal nomini olgan X.com asoschisi[9][10][11][12]

2021-yil 7-yanvarda 185 milliard dollarlik boyligi bilan Amazon asoschisi Jeff Bezosni ikkinchi o'ringa olib chiqib, birinchi marta sayyoradagi eng boy odamga aylandi. 2021-yil 1-noyabrda u tarixda boyligi 300 milliard dollarga yetgan birinchi odam bo'ldi.

2022-yil 25-apreldan Twitterni egasi.

  1. Petter, Olivia. „'There's Not Much I Can Do': Elon Musk Admits Grimes Does Majority Of Childcare For Two-month Old Son“. The Independent (26-iyul 2020-yil). 16-noyabr 2020-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 8-yanvar 2021-yil.
  2. Curtis, Sophie. „Elon Musk 'to launch fleet of internet satellites'“. The Daily Telegraph (10-noyabr 2014-yil). Qaraldi: 23-iyun 2015-yil. „"Elon Musk, inventor and business magnate"“.
  3. Vance, Ashlee „Elon Musk, the 21st Century Industrialist“ (13-sentabr 2012-yil). Qaraldi: 23-iyun 2015-yil.
  4. „Early Career Engineers, Conferences and Careers“. asme.org. Qaraldi: 4-noyabr 2015-yil.
  5. Bellis, Mary „Biography of Elon Musk“. About.com. Qaraldi: 10-iyun 2015-yil.[sayt ishlamaydi]
  6. „The Top 10 Venture Capitalists on 2014's Midas List“. Forbes. Qaraldi: 10-iyun 2015-yil.
  7. Albergotti, Reed. „Zuckerberg, Musk Invest in Artificial Intelligence Company“. The Wall Street Journal (21-mart 2014-yil). Qaraldi: 10-iyun 2015-yil.
  8. Love, Dylan „Elon Musk And Mark Zuckerberg Have Invested Million in a Mysterious Artificial Intelligence Company“. Business Insider (21-mart 2014-yil). Qaraldi: 10-iyun 2015-yil.
  9. Martin LaMonica. „Tesla Motors founders: Now there are five“. CNET (21-sentabr 2009-yil).
  10. „A Brief history of Tesla“. Tech Crunch (4-yanvar 2013-yil). 2017-yil 14-iyunda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 21-aprel 2014-yil. „"Tesla was founded not by Elon Musk, but rather by Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning in July 2003. The two bootstrapped the fledgling auto company until Elon Musk led the company's  million Series A financing round in February 2004, when Musk became the company's Chairman of the Board."“.
  11. Hardy, Quentin; Bilton, Nick. „Start-Ups Aim to Conquer Space Market“. The New York Times (16-mart 2014-yil). Qaraldi: 21-aprel 2014-yil. „Space Exploration Technologies, or Space X, started by the Tesla founder Elon Musk“.
  12. „Trust Your Own Focus Group of One“. Entrepreneur.com (11-aprel 2014-yil). — „Elon Musk, founder of PayPal, Tesla and SpaceX“. Qaraldi: 21-aprel 2014-yil.