1452/1453 mystery eruption

The 1452/1453 mystery eruption is an unidentified volcanic event that triggered the first large sulfate spike in the 1450s, succeeded by another spike in 1458 caused by another mysterious eruption.[1][2] The eruption caused a severe volcanic winter leading to one of strongest cooling events in the Northern Hemisphere.[3] This date also coincides with a substantial intensification of the Little Ice Age.[4]

  1. ^ Plummer, Christopher T.; Curran, M. A. J.; van Ommen, Tas D.; Rasmussen, S.O.; Moy, A. D.; Vance, Tessa R.; Clausen, H. B.; Vinther, Bo M.; Mayewski, P. A. (1 May 2012). "An independently dated 2000-yr volcanic record from Law Dome, East Antarctica, including a new perspective on the dating of the c. 1450s eruption of Kuwae, Vanuatu". Climate of the Past Discussions. 8: 1567–1590. doi:10.5194/cpd-8-1567-2012.
  2. ^ Cole-Dai, Jihong; Ferris, David G.; Lanciki, Alyson L.; Savarino, Joël; Thiemens, Mark H.; McConnell, Joseph R. (17 July 2013). "Two likely stratospheric volcanic eruptions in the 1450s C.E. found in a bipolar, subannually dated 800 year ice core record". Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 118 (14): 7459–7466. Bibcode:2013JGRD..118.7459C. doi:10.1002/jgrd.50587. S2CID 129790360.
  3. ^ Briffa, K. R.; Jones, P. D.; Schweingruber, F. H.; Osborn, T. J. (1998). "Influence of volcanic eruptions on Northern Hemisphere summer temperature over the past 600 years". Nature. 393 (6684): 450–455. Bibcode:1998Natur.393..450B. doi:10.1038/30943. ISSN 1476-4687. S2CID 4392636.
  4. ^ Miller, Gifford H.; Geirsdóttir, Áslaug; Zhong, Yafang; Larsen, Darren J.; Otto-Bliesner, Bette L.; Holland, Marika M.; Bailey, David A.; Refsnider, Kurt A.; Lehman, Scott J.; Southon, John R.; Anderson, Chance; Björnsson, Helgi; Thordarson, Thorvaldur (2012). "Abrupt onset of the Little Ice Age triggered by volcanism and sustained by sea-ice/ocean feedbacks: LITTLE ICE AGE TRIGGERED BY VOLCANISM". Geophysical Research Letters. 39 (2): n/a. Bibcode:2012GeoRL..39.2708M. doi:10.1029/2011GL050168. S2CID 15313398.