1513 papal conclave

Papal conclave
March 1513
Dates and location
4–11 March 1513
Chapel of S. Nicolas, Vatican Apostolic Palace,
Key officials
DeanRaffaele Riario
CamerlengoRaffaele Riario
ProtopriestTamás Bakócz
ProtodeaconGiovanni di Lorenzo de' Medici
Elected pope
Giovanni di Lorenzo de' Medici
Name taken: Leo X

The 1513 papal conclave, occasioned by the death of Pope Julius II on 21 February 1513, opened on 4 March with twenty-five cardinals in attendance, out of a total number of thirty-one. The Conclave was presided over by Cardinal Raffaele Sansoni Riario, who was both Dean of the College of Cardinals and Cardinal Chamberlain of the Holy Roman Church (Camerlengo). Voting began on 10 March, and there were only two Scrutinies. Negotiations after the first balloting led to the election of Cardinal Giovanni de'Medici, the son of Lorenzo the Magnificent and the de facto ruler of Florence, as Pope Leo X on the morning of 11 March.