Salomon Müller and Hermann Schlegel describe the lesser fish eagle in Verhandelingen over de Natuurlijke Geschiedenis der Nederlandsch Overzeesche Bezittingen door de leden natuurkundige commissie in Indie andere Schrijvers. Uitgegeven op last van den Koning.
Heinrich Gätke, German ornithologist and artist, moves to Heligoland as secretary to the British Governor and begins a long study of the birds there.
Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Berge publishes Die Fortpflanzung europäischer und aussereuropäischer Vögel. Ein Beitrag zur Naturgeschichte derselben (Stuttgart, L.F. Rieger, 1840–1841).
William Jardine and Prideaux John Selby with the co-operation of James Ebenezer BichenoIllustrations of ornithology various publishers (Four volumes) 1825 and [1836–43]. Although issued partly in connection with the volume of plates, under the same title (at the time of issue), text and plates were purchasable separately and the publishers ... express the hope, also voiced by the author in his preface to the present work, that the text will constitute an independent work of reference. Vol. I was issued originally in 1825 [by A. Constable, Edinburgh], with nomenclature according to Temminck