1919 Edmonton municipal election

The 1919 municipal election was held December 8, 1919 to elect a mayor and five aldermen to sit on Edmonton City Council and four trustees to sit on the public school board. T P Malone, Paul Janvrin, T S Magee, and Joseph Henri Picard were acclaimed to two-year terms on the separate school board. In the election's only plebiscite, Edmontonians rejected a proposal to pay their aldermen.

There were ten aldermen on city council, but five of the positions were already filled: Charles Hepburn, Samuel McCoppen, Henri Martin, John McKenzie, and Andrew McLennan were all elected to two-year terms in 1918 and were still in office.

With the election of Labour candidates Clarke, Kinney, East and Sheppard plus the continuing alderman McCoppen, Labour held five of the 11 seats on council following this election. Mayor Joe Clarke had pro-labour leanings so was generally a sympathetic force in city hall proceedings.

There were seven trustees on the public school board, but three of the positions were already filled: Joseph Duggan, Frank Crang, and William Rea had all been elected to two-year terms in 1918 and were still in office. The same was true on the separate board, where J J Murray, Joseph Driscoll, and Joseph Gariépy were continuing.