1933 Virginia state highway renumbering

This article is part of the
highway renumbering series.
Alabama 1928, 1957
Arkansas 1926
California 1964
Colorado 1953, 1968
Connecticut 1932, 1963
Florida 1945
Indiana 1926
Iowa 1926, 1969
Louisiana 1955
Maine 1933
Massachusetts 1933
Minnesota 1934
Missouri 1926
Montana 1932
Nebraska 1926
Nevada 1976
New Jersey 1927, 1953
New Mexico 1988
New York 1927, 1930
North Carolina 1934, 1937, 1940, 1961
Ohio 1923, 1927, 1962
Pennsylvania 1928, 1961
Puerto Rico 1953
South Carolina 1928, 1937
South Dakota 1927, 1975
Tennessee 1983
Texas 1939
Utah 1962, 1977
Virginia 1923, 1928, 1933, 1940, 1958
Washington 1964
Wisconsin 1926
Wyoming 1927

In 1933, the U.S. state of Virginia renumbered almost all of its state highways. This renumbering was caused by the assignment of numbers from 600 up to the new secondary system, but all three-digit numbers were affected. At the same time, all numbers that conflicted with U.S. Routes - except State Route 13 - were renumbered, and all long overlaps with U.S. Routes were eliminated. Several new routes had the same numbers as U.S. Routes and served as their extensions.