1960 Force Publique mutinies

1960 Force Publique mutinies
Part of Congo Crisis
Congolese troops in early July 1960
DateJuly 1960
LocationLéopoldville and Thysville, later other places in the Lower Congo
TypeMutiny, riots, protests
CauseDiscontent about repression, racial segregation, and slow progress of reforms in the Force Publique
MotiveReplacement of European officers (particularly Émile Janssens) in the Force Publique; reorganisation of the army
ParticipantsMutinous Congolese soldiers

Belgian metropolitan troops

Congolese government and loyal armed forces
OutcomeBelgian military intervention to protect citizens. Nomination of black officers.

On 5 July 1960, soldiers of the garrisons of Léopoldville and Thysville of the Force Publique, the army of the newly independent Republic of the Congo mutinied against their white officers. The revolt quickly spread throughout the Bas-Congo and engulfed the country in disorder, beginning the Congo Crisis.