1988 Australian referendum (Parliamentary Terms)

1988 Australian Parliamentary Terms referendum

3 September 1988 (1988-09-03)

A Proposed Law: To alter the Constitution to provide for 4 year maximum terms for members of both Houses of the Commonwealth Parliament.

Do you approve of this proposed alteration?
OutcomeNot carried, A majority "no" vote nationally and in all six states.
Votes %
Yes 3,099,270 32.91%
No 6,316,940 67.09%
Valid votes 9,416,210 98.73%
Invalid or blank votes 121,515 1.27%
Total votes 9,537,725 100.00%
Registered voters/turnout 10,362,959 92.04%

Note: Saturation of colour denotes strength of vote

The Constitution Alteration (Parliamentary Terms) 1988[1] was an unsuccessful proposal put to referendum in the 1988 Australian referendum on 3 September 1988. It proposed to alter the Australian constitution so that both the House of Representatives and the Senate would be elected for a term of four years. This involved reducing the terms of the Senate from six years to four years, and increasing the terms of the House of Representatives from three years to four years. It also proposed for the fourth time that Senate and House elections occur simultaneously.