1st Australian Tunnelling Company

1st Australian Tunnelling Company
Country Australia
BranchAustralian Imperial Force
TypeRoyal Engineer tunnelling company
RoleMilitary engineering
Tunnel warfare
Nickname(s)"The Diggers"
EngagementsWorld War I
Oliver Woodward

The 1st Australian Tunnelling Company was one of the tunnelling companies of the Royal Australian Engineers during World War I. The tunnelling units were occupied in offensive and defensive mining involving the placing and maintaining of mines under enemy lines, as well as other underground work such as the construction of deep dugouts for troop accommodation, the digging of subways, saps (narrow trenches dug to approach enemy trenches), cable trenches, and underground chambers for signals and medical services.[1]

  1. ^ "The Tunnelling Companies RE". The Long, Long Trail. Archived from the original on 10 May 2015. Retrieved 25 April 2015.