2009 U.S. state dinner security breaches

President Barack Obama greeting the Salahis in the Blue Room of the White House. Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is behind President Obama in the blue turban.

On November 24, 2009, Michaele (/mɪˈkɛl/) and Tareq Salahi (/ˈtɑːrɛk sɑːˈlɑːhi/), a married couple from Virginia, and Carlos Allen (from the District of Columbia), attended a White House state dinner for Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, as uninvited guests. The Salahis and Allen arrived separately and did not appear to have colluded in their efforts. They were able to pass through two security checkpoints (including one requiring positive photo identification), enter the White House complex, and meet President Barack Obama. The incident resulted in security investigations and legal inquiries.