2014 Birbhum gang rape case

2014 Birbhum gang rape case involves a gang rape which took place on 21 January 2014 in Birbhum district of West Bengal. When a 20-year-old girl from Subolpur village was gang-raped by a group of people, as a punishment ordered by Salishi Sabha, a village kangaroo court, for having affair with a boy of a different community.

On 19 September 2014, a district court found all 13 persons accused guilty and sentenced them to 20 years imprisonment, the minimum sentence under section 376(D) of IPC.[1]

  1. ^ Surojit Ghosh Hazra (19 September 2014). "All 13 held guilty in Birbhum gang rape case". Hindustan Times. Archived from the original on 19 September 2014. Retrieved 22 September 2014.