2021 Italian government crisis

2021 Italian government crisis
Mario Draghi accepting the task of forming a new government
Date13 January 2021 – 18 February 2021
TypeParliamentary crisis
CauseWithdrawal of Italia Viva's support to Giuseppe Conte's government
ParticipantsM5S, Lega, FI, PD, FdI, IV, LeU, Aut, Mixed Group

The 2021 Italian government crisis was a political event in Italy that began in January 2021 and ended the following month. It includes the events that follow the announcement of Matteo Renzi, leader of Italia Viva (IV) and former Prime Minister, that he would revoke IV's support to the Government of Giuseppe Conte.[1]

On 18 and 19 January, confidence votes were held in both Houses of Parliament; the Government managed to win both, but fell short of an absolute majority in the Senate due to IV Senators abstaining.[2]

On 26 January, Conte offered his resignation as Prime Minister; President Sergio Mattarella consequently started consultations for the formation of a new Government, which ultimately resulted in Mario Draghi being sworn in as Prime Minister on 13 February.[3]