2022 in Iran


See also:Other events of 2022
Years in Iran

Events in the year 2022 in Iran, which is dominated by protests.

The situation in Iran remains complex and challenging, as the country has long defied international norms and supported militants abroad. In 2018, the Trump administration withdrew from the 2015 nuclear agreement with Iran and imposed sanctions as part of a "maximum pressure" campaign. In 2020, Iran recalculated its strategy after the US killed a top Iranian commander. In 2021, the Biden administration attempted to revive the nuclear deal, but talks were deadlocked as of fall 2022. Protests over human rights abuses and the death of a detained Kurd in September 2022 evolved into calls for the end of the Islamic Republic. The US Institute of Peace works to inform policymakers on Iran and provide a forum for virtual diplomacy. It offers expert analysis, briefings for lawmakers, and resources for the public.