332nd Engineer General Service Regiment

The 332nd Engineer General Service Regiment was a group, in the United States Army that served during World War II. This unit became active on January 5th, 1943, with its main directive being to provide engineering assistance to the Allied forces in the European Theater of Operations. The regiment consisted of soldiers who received training in various engineering skills, including construction, road building and mine clearance.

Throughout World War II, the 332nd Engineer General Service Regiment played a role in significant battles. They were involved in events such as the Normandy invasion and the Liberation of Paris. Additionally they contributed to the construction of the Mulberry harbours, which played a part in the invasion of Normandy.

Despite their valuable contributions to the war effort, discrimination and segregation were experienced by soldiers serving in the 332nd Engineer General Service Regiment during and, after the war. It took until the 1990s for their accomplishments to achieve full recognition and acknowledgement.