5-simplex honeycomb

5-simplex honeycomb
(No image)
Type Uniform 5-honeycomb
Family Simplectic honeycomb
Schläfli symbol {3[6]} = 0[6]
Coxeter diagram
5-face types {34} , t1{34}
4-face types {33} , t1{33}
Cell types {3,3} , t1{3,3}
Face types {3}
Vertex figure t0,4{34}
Coxeter groups ×2, <[3[6]]>
Properties vertex-transitive

In five-dimensional Euclidean geometry, the 5-simplex honeycomb or hexateric honeycomb is a space-filling tessellation (or honeycomb or pentacomb). Each vertex is shared by 12 5-simplexes, 30 rectified 5-simplexes, and 20 birectified 5-simplexes. These facet types occur in proportions of 2:2:1 respectively in the whole honeycomb.