7 Valleys Pas-de-Calais

The 7 Valleys (Les 7 Vallées) in Pas-de-Calais is a land of rivers and streams, valleys, forests. The best known of the Seven Valleys, is the Valley of the Canche. The river Canche has its headwaters near Magnicourt sur Canche. The Ternoise and Course flow into it along its 96 kilometre winding journey to its vast estuary in the Channel just north of Le Touquet at Etaples sur Mer and many restaurants and auberges are to be found along the way, especially between Montreuil and Etaples. The river is populated with rainbow trout, sea trout, eel, pike and roach and although you can walk along both banks, the right hand side is more picturesque. The river follows the lie of the land flowing past chalk hillsides and its path is frequently indicated by the presence of willows. The farms, set low down, are often built of whitewashed cob.[1]

  1. ^ "Les 7 Vallées Tourist Guide - Information France". informationfrance.com. Retrieved 28 January 2014.