87.5 FM

87.5 FM is the first useable radio broadcast frequency on the FM radio band spanning between 87.5 and 108 FM or VHF Band 2. The use of 87.5 FM as the main carrier frequency of a legally established and licensed radio station is rare in most countries as it transmits signals slightly off band down to roughly 87.3 and possibly as low as 87.2 FM.

In the United Kingdom, radio station broadcasts on 87.5 FM are likely pirate radio stations as there are no known radio broadcasting licenses that are allocated to 87.5 FM (within the United Kingdom). There are a few licenses for 87.6 FM, however, most transmit on 87.7 FM and upwards.

Many short range transmitters intended to be used inside of cars operate at 87.5 FM and allow the user to stream music from their device to older car radio's or devices lacking Bluetooth connectivity (Apple CarPlay devices sold on the TikTok Shop).

Stations listed so far that use 87.5 FM are: