AINA (organization)

AINA is a France-based NGO founded in 2001 by world-renowned photojournalist and National Geographic Fellow Reza (Reza Deghati). Aina aims to assist the growth of civil society in post-conflict regions through development of cultural institutions, an independent media and the empowerment of women. As a third-generation humanitarian association, Aina contributes to the emergence of civil society through actions in the area of education (particularly focusing on women and children), information and communication.

Aina promotes independent media development and cultural expression as a foundation of democracy. The association trains local participants, supports the local initiatives of independent media groups, and facilitates access to technology. As an organization, Aina is particularly focused on the education and upliftment of women because they believe that empowering women is a fundamental milestone along the path to a democratic state and media. AINA Founders believed that these skills could contribute to the building of a free and open society by supporting sustainable development, promoting human rights, and strengthening social unity. Now at the forefront of the women's movement, Aina empowers, trains and supports female journalists who will become the educated civic leaders and media teachers of Afghanistan's future.

Since its inception, Aina has had a significant impact on civil society in Afghanistan. Over 1,000 women and men have been trained in media and communication skills, with more than 90% now employed using these skills. Eight publications have been produced and are in circulation, including two women's magazines and one children's magazine, Parvaz. In addition, "Afghanistan Unveiled", the first documentary by an all-female production team and produced by Aina, was nominated for an Emmy Award in 2005.