A History of the Crusades: list of contributions

A History of the Crusades: list of contributions provides the collected works that appear in the six-volume set A History of the Crusades, edited by Kenneth M. Setton.[1] Published by the University of Wisconsin Press, it is also known as the Wisconsin Collaborative History of the Crusades. The volumes were published from 1969–1989 and consists of 89 chapters covering nearly 5000 pages. Written by 64 prominent historians, it is one of the most important books on the Crusades.[2]

  • Epigraph. Deus vult, deus vult.[3]
  • Dedication. Dis manibus Johannis L. LaMonte et Danae C. Munro atque geniis adhus Florentibus Frederici Duncalf et Augusti C. Krey hoc opus dedicamus editores.[4][5]

Some key features of the work are:

  • The full range of subjects relevant to the Crusades is covered, from before 1095 until 1571.
  • Index. Each volume has its own comprehensive index. There is a search feature associated with each volume found on the outline page. Also, there is a search feature that covers all six volumes.[6]
  • Bibliography. Each chapter includes a detailed bibliography in the notes beginning on its first page. In addition, there is a comprehensive bibliography at the end of Volume VI.[7]
  • Maps. Each volume includes maps and gazetteers which are listed at the front of the outline. Volume VI also includes a set of overview maps showing the theaters of operation of all the Crusades.[8]
  • Timelines. The first three volumes contain timelines relevant to their material. The timeline in Volume III covers all six volumes, 1049–1571.[9]

The origins of the need for such a history was shown by American historian John L. La Monte in his Some Problems in Crusading Historiography.[10] La Monte's leadership on the project ended with his death in 1949, and the lead was assumed by Setton at the University of Pennsylvania in 1950. The Routledge Companion to the Crusades ranks A History of the Crusades as one of the most comprehensive and monumental 20th-century works on the subject.[11]

  1. ^ Setton 1969–1989, A History of the Crusades, Six Volumes.
  2. ^ Holt, Andrew (2017). "Fifteen Most Important Boks on the Crusades".
  3. ^ Epigraph 1969, Deus vult, deus vult.
  4. ^ Dedication 1969, Dedication.
  5. ^ The editors dedicate this work to the spirits of John L. La Monte and Dana C. Munro, and to the geniuses of Florence, Frederic Duncalf and August C. Krey.
  6. ^ Libraries Search.
  7. ^ Mayer & McLellan 1989, pp. 511–664, Select Bibliography of the Crusades.
  8. ^ Hazard 1989, Maps of Crusader Theaters of War.
  9. ^ Timeline 1975, pp. 667–676, Important Dates and Events, Volume III.
  10. ^ La Monte, J. (1940). Some Problems in Crusading Historiography. Speculum, 15(1), 57-75.
  11. ^ Lock, Peter (2006). Routledge, Abingdon. "The Routledge Companion to the Crusades". p. 269.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link) CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)