Abba bar Memel

Rabbi Abba bar Memel (or Mamal[1]), or Abba mar Memel,[2] (Hebrew: רבי אבא בר ממל or אבא מר ממל) was a rabbi of the Land of Israel of the second and third generation of amoraim.

He is mentioned often in discussions with the Amora sages of Tiberias Beit Midrash, headed by R. Yochanan bar Nafcha[3] and his students, R. Abbahu, R. Eleazar ben Pedat,[4] and his main scholarly opponent, Rav Zeira.[5] He is also mentioned along with Rabbi Ammi[6] and Rabbi Assi[7] who were considered his masters, probably after the death of R. Yochanan bar Nafcha.

  1. ^ [1], Jewish Virtual Library
  2. ^ In the full corpus of the Bar Ilan Responsa Project, version 16, this spelling appears only in two places: Shut Mahari ben Lev 2:11; Shut Shevet Sofer, Orach Haim 57.
  3. ^ i.e Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Kiddushin, 62b
  4. ^ Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Bezah, 13b
  5. ^ Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Sukkah, 21b; Tractate Hulin, 129a; Tractate Kiddushin, 9b; etc.
  6. ^ Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Nedarim, 21a
  7. ^ Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Hulin, 129a