Acoustic tag

Acoustic tags are small sound-emitting devices that allow the detection and/or remote tracking of organisms in aquatic ecosystems. Acoustic tags are commonly used to monitor the behavior of fish. Studies can be conducted in lakes, rivers, tributaries, estuaries or at sea. Acoustic tag technology allows researchers to obtain locational data of tagged fish: depending on tag and receiver array configurations, researchers can receive simple presence/absence data, 2D positional data, or even 3D fish tracks in real-time with sub-meter resolutions.

Acoustic tags allow researchers to:

  • Conduct Survival Studies
  • Monitor Migration/Passage/Trajectory
  • Track Behavior in Two or Three Dimensions (2D or 3D)
  • Measure Bypass Effectiveness at Dams and other Passages
  • Observe Predator/Prey Dynamics
  • Serveil movement and activity