Actinium compounds

Actinium compounds are compounds containing the element actinium (Ac). Due to actinium's intense radioactivity, only a limited number of actinium compounds are known. These include: AcF3, AcCl3, AcBr3, AcOF, AcOCl, AcOBr, Ac2S3, Ac2O3, AcPO4 and Ac(NO3)3. Except for AcPO4, they are all similar to the corresponding lanthanum compounds. They all contain actinium in the oxidation state +3.[1][2] In particular, the lattice constants of the analogous lanthanum and actinium compounds differ by only a few percent.[2]

  1. ^ Actinium, Great Soviet Encyclopedia (in Russian)
  2. ^ a b Fried, Sherman; Hagemann, French; Zachariasen, W. H. (1950). "The Preparation and Identification of Some Pure Actinium Compounds". Journal of the American Chemical Society. 72 (2): 771–775. doi:10.1021/ja01158a034.