Active Privy Councillor

Active Privy Councillor[1] (Russian: действительный тайный советник, deystvitelnyi taynyi sovetnik) was the civil rank (ru: чин / chin) in the Russian Empire, according to the Table of Ranks introduced by Peter the Great in 1722. That was a civil rank of the 2nd class and equal to those of General-in-Chief in the Army and Admiral in the Navy.[2][3][4] The rank holder should be addressed as Your High Excellency (Russian: Ваше Высокопревосходительство, Vashe Vysokoprevoskhoditelstvo).[5] If the Foreign Minister had the rank of the 2nd class, he could be called Vice-Chancellor.

  1. ^ Langenscheidt´s Encyclopaedic Dictionary of the English and German language: „Der Große Muret-Sander“, Part II German-English, Second Volume L–Z, 8th edition 1999, ISBN 3-468-01126-1; p. 1.809 – Working Privy Councillor
  2. ^ Segrillo, Angelo (November 2016). "A First Complete Translation into English of Peter the Great's Original Table of Ranks: Observations on the Occurrence of a Black Hole in the Translation of Russian Historical Documents" (PDF).
  3. ^ "Table of Ranks". Global Security. Retrieved 27 December 2016.
  4. ^ "Peter the Great's Table of Ranks". The University of Virginia. Archived from the original on 18 November 2018. Retrieved 27 December 2016.
  5. ^ "Табель о рангах, Действителен в период с конца XIX века по 1917 год". Boris Akunin (in Russian). Retrieved 27 December 2016.